Helpful information for you and your family about the coronavirus and ways that you can boost your immune system to defend against it…as well as stories about how the pandemic is affecting other parts of our lives. As new articles are available, they will be added to the top of the page. Please check back for regular updates.

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How to Fly Safely During the Pandemic

How to Fly Safely During the Pandemic

April 2, 2020

Key safety measures will help limit your exposure to the new coronavirus and lower your risk of developing COVID-19 when you travel by air.

How to Avoid the Pitfalls When Trying to Get a Break on Bills

How to Avoid the Pitfalls When Trying to Get a Break on Bills

April 2, 2020

These are the best ways to get a break on payments for credit cards, mortgages, cable and satellite TV, Internet, car loans and more.

How to Raise Emergency Cash Quickly
Personal Finances

How to Raise Emergency Cash Quickly

April 2, 2020

There are various steps you can take now to bolster your cash cushion while limiting damage to your long-term financial plans.

Help Your Body Fight ­COVID-19—Naturally

Help Your Body Fight ­COVID-19—Naturally

April 2, 2020

Immune-boosting supplements may protect against coronavirus but can be dangerous if you develop COVID-19. Best supplements to help defend and help heal...

Vitamins and Herbs That Can Help Protect You From Coronavirus— Sarah Hiner Talks to Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum

Vitamins and Herbs That Can Help Protect You From Coronavirus— Sarah Hiner Talks to Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum

April 2, 2020

There is more and more evidence every day that safe nutritional supplements can help protect against the virus that causes COVID-19 and lessen its impact if you do get it—things like vitamin D, zinc and melatonin

Overcoming Anxiety and Depression in a Corona-Quarantine World—Sarah Hiner Talks to Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum

Overcoming Anxiety and Depression in a Corona-Quarantine World—Sarah Hiner Talks to Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum

April 2, 2020

Beyond the sickness and economic devastation of the coronavirus pandemic is an array of collateral issues, including a significant rise in and risk for anxiety and depression.

COVID-19 NEWS: The Latest on Treatments, Testing, Vaccines and More—Sarah Hiner Talks to Dr. Max Gomez of CBS-TV NY

COVID-19 NEWS: The Latest on Treatments, Testing, Vaccines and More—Sarah Hiner Talks to Dr. Max Gomez of CBS-TV NY

April 2, 2020

Latest status on COVID-19 treatments, tests, vaccines, hospital resources and more, including antibody testing, Remdesivir and Plaquenil.

Prevent Quarantine Weight Gain—Sarah Hiner Talks to Dr. Lisa R. Young

Prevent Quarantine Weight Gain—Sarah Hiner Talks to Dr. Lisa R. Young

April 2, 2020

The combination of work from home and high stress is creating a whole new problem for many people—weight gain.

Strengthening the Gut Microbiome in the Era of COVID-19

Strengthening the Gut Microbiome in the Era of COVID-19

April 2, 2020

COVID-19 infection can cause a dangerous immune system “inflammatory storm.” The right foods can help your body effectively fight an infection.

How I’m Assisting My COVID-19 Patients with Natural Medicine

How I’m Assisting My COVID-19 Patients with Natural Medicine

April 2, 2020

There are no proven treatments for COVID-19, but natural approaches help patients ease symptoms and support a healthy immune response for a faster recovery.

Drive Less Due to Pandemic, Pay Less on Insurance

Drive Less Due to Pandemic, Pay Less on Insurance

April 2, 2020

With driving and accidents way down during the coronavirus pandemic, you could ask for a big break on your auto insurance premium.

7 Ways to Look Better on Video Calls

7 Ways to Look Better on Video Calls

April 2, 2020

Video calls are a great way to keep you connected, but it’s easy to end up not looking your best. Here are five ways to look much better

Hands Off! How to Stop Touching Your Face

Hands Off! How to Stop Touching Your Face

April 2, 2020

You know it’s bad for you, but why do you touch your face so much and, more important, how can you stop yourself? Here are the answers you need.

Oh, the Places You’ll Go—Virtually

Oh, the Places You’ll Go—Virtually

April 2, 2020

Explore the world from the comfort and safety of your own home…

How to Live Harmoniously with an Adult Child Who Moves Back Home

How to Live Harmoniously with an Adult Child Who Moves Back Home

April 2, 2020

Set rules about money, guests, personal space, and curfews when adult children move home.

Prepare Your Finances for an Emergency Handoff
Estate Planning

Prepare Your Finances for an Emergency Handoff

April 2, 2020

Confusion and costly mistakes can easily occur if you don’t plan ahead for someone to take over handling your finances in an emergency.

Improve Your Chances Against COVID-19 and Other Diseases with Simple Food Choices—Sarah Hiner Talks With Dr. William Li

Improve Your Chances Against COVID-19 and Other Diseases with Simple Food Choices—Sarah Hiner Talks With Dr. William Li

April 2, 2020

Simple foods and drinks can vastly improve your chances against COVID-19 and other sicknesses. Dr. William Li, author of Eat to Beat Disease, shares his wisdom.

What You Need to Know about Treatments and Testing for COVID-19—Sarah Hiner Talks to Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum

What You Need to Know about Treatments and Testing for COVID-19—Sarah Hiner Talks to Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum

April 2, 2020

Clearing up the confusion about treatments and tests that are available for COVID-19

Reduce Your Financial Stress with These Low-Volatility Investments

Reduce Your Financial Stress with These Low-Volatility Investments

April 2, 2020

If you thought that you could handle a volatile stock market, this year’s market crash put that belief to the test.

How to Get the Best Rates Now on Mortgages and Other Loans: Coronavirus Fallout Pushes Down Borrowing Costs

How to Get the Best Rates Now on Mortgages and Other Loans: Coronavirus Fallout Pushes Down Borrowing Costs

April 2, 2020

Amid the extreme turbulence in financial markets and in people’s everyday lives, the plunge in interest rates that has accompanied the coronavirus pandemic is providing some relief to borrowers.

COVID-19: Your Questions About Quarantine and Isolation Answered

COVID-19: Your Questions About Quarantine and Isolation Answered

April 2, 2020

COVID-19 not only has been spreading around the globe, it’s also been taking over the media—and “infecting” most conversations these days!

How to Kill the New Coronavirus: When You’re Home…When You’re Out

How to Kill the New Coronavirus: When You’re Home…When You’re Out

April 2, 2020

Killing the new coronavirus is crucial to stop its spread. Hot spots to clean at home, the right cleaners…self-defense at the store, gas station, etc.

Coronavirus Update: Make Sure You Have Enough Medication on Hand

Coronavirus Update: Make Sure You Have Enough Medication on Hand

April 2, 2020

As the global effects of the new coronavirus are being felt, there are concerns that drug shortages may occur. Who is most at risk—and what to do…

What They’re Not Saying About Coronavirus—Sarah Hiner Talks with David Sherer

What They’re Not Saying About Coronavirus—Sarah Hiner Talks with David Sherer

April 2, 2020

The fear and anxiety surrounding coronavirus are off the charts.

7 Immune-Boosting Tricks to Stay Healthier
Natural Healing Secrets for Women

7 Immune-Boosting Tricks to Stay Healthier

Laurie Steelsmith, ND, LAc | April 2, 2020

The greatest gift you can give yourself is health. Here are seven simple tricks to build your body’s defense system naturally…this season and always.

Power Soup That Helps Boost Immunity

Power Soup That Helps Boost Immunity

April 2, 2020

If there's ever been a time when you need a well-functioning immune system, it's now. And the first place to…

Getting Over a Cold or the Flu? Try This Get-Well-Quick Recovery Plan

Getting Over a Cold or the Flu? Try This Get-Well-Quick Recovery Plan

April 2, 2020

If you’re getting over a cold or flu, there’s a lot you can do to get better faster—and help fortify yourself against life-threatening complications…