You likely know someone with asthma and are familiar with the wheezing and shortness of breath that come with an…
Pneumonia tends to dampen the appetite making it hard to eat, and harder to recover. In this excerpt we discuss what to eat when you have pneumonia.
When you’re in pain from acute sinusitis, you probably don’t care much about the long-term problem. You just want the pain and swelling to go away!
If you develop a cough that produces phlegm you may have bronchitis. Bronchitis self-care with proper food alongside treatment can speed recovery.
Anyone who has experienced a layover in Denver can attest to the fact that altitude sickness is real, uncomfortable, and…
The chronic lung disease asthma can result in more than inconvenient wheezing. Close to 10 percent of adults with asthma…
Good news! Cigarette smoking among US adults has dropped steadily over the last 50 years. And yet—you are likely to…
There has been a lot of talk recently about respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), recognized since 1956 as a mild respiratory…
Some COVID-19 sufferers experience dangerous drops in blood oxygen and a pulse oximeter can monitor that. But misunderstanding how to use it could be dangerous.
The warning signs that respiratory illness has become serious can be subtle and easy to discount. Here’s what indicates you need emergency help.
The COVID-19 pandemic has raised fears about being on a ventilator. Here’s what it means…plus tips should that unlikely but daunting prospect arise.
Primatene Mist epinephrine inhaler is now ozone-safe, FDA-approved and back on the market—but a dangerous choice for people with asthma. Here’s why.
More than two dozen widely used drugs can lead to shortness of breath or some other lung problem. Here are the ones to check…
Flavorings added to e-cigarettes makes vaping even worse for your lungs—raising risk for various lung diseases and possibly lung cancer.
Despite best efforts, you’re now sidelined with the flu. Take these quick steps to speed the journey to feeling better.