
Essential Activities for Post-Stroke Recovery

Essential Activities for Post-Stroke Recovery

Joel Stein, MD | September 5, 2023

Stroke affects each person in different ways, so recovery must be individualized. But one constant is that recovery steps should…

Can Yoga Give You a Stroke?

Can Yoga Give You a Stroke?

Loren Fishman, MD | January 29, 2019

While extremely rare, it is true that some yoga poses increase your risk for a stroke. Make sure you have a good teacher and avoid these risky poses.

Fit People Have Milder Strokes

Fit People Have Milder Strokes

November 4, 2018

Staying physically active helps you avoid a stroke…but if you do have one, you’ll be more likely to have a mild one and recover better.

Do You Know Exactly What to Do If You Have a Stroke?

Do You Know Exactly What to Do If You Have a Stroke?

Michael Frankel, MD | April 16, 2018

No one wants to have a stroke, but knowing what to do can mean the difference between life and death. Read on for the latest thinking...

How to Survive the Worst Type of Stroke

How to Survive the Worst Type of Stroke

Edward C. Jauch, MD | December 1, 2015

Taking the right action can save your life… If someone asked you for a quick definition of a stroke, you…

Is It a Migraine, Low Blood Sugar, a Seizure…or a Stroke?

Is It a Migraine, Low Blood Sugar, a Seizure…or a Stroke?

Edward C. Jauch, MD | August 20, 2015

They’re called stroke mimics. The symptoms are similar to a stroke—slurred speech, a weakness on one side of your body…