
Yes, You Do Need Umbrella Insurance

Yes, You Do Need Umbrella Insurance

Austin Jarvis, JD | June 11, 2024

Most of us have enough home and auto insurance coverage to protect our major belongings from accidents and damage. But…

What to Do With an Unneeded Life Insurance Policy

What to Do With an Unneeded Life Insurance Policy

David Rosell | February 7, 2024

Life insurance policies that were prudent decades ago can feel like financial sinkholes after premium increases. Here are options to…

Insurers Exploiting Medicare

Insurers Exploiting Medicare

Kelli McCourt | August 16, 2023

Most large Medicare Advantage insurers, including UnitedHealth Group, Kaiser Permanente and Humana, have been accused of fraud by whistleblowers, the…

How to Avoid These Affordable Care Act Traps

How to Avoid These Affordable Care Act Traps

December 24, 2021

There is at least one thing people who obtain insurance through ACA marketplaces tend to agree on—this coverage can be confusing. Seven potential traps with ACA health insurance…

Avoid These 5 Costly Medicare Mistakes

Avoid These 5 Costly Medicare Mistakes

Danielle ­Roberts | December 15, 2021

Medicare decisions are complicated, and errors can affect your Medicare costs or coverage for the rest of your life. Here are the biggest mistakes and how to avoid them.

The Pandemic is Pushing Up Life Insurance Premiums

The Pandemic is Pushing Up Life Insurance Premiums

Scott Witt | October 7, 2020

A plunge in interest rates has caused life insurance companies to stop issuing certain policies and take several other steps that could hurt consumers.

Drive Less Due to Pandemic, Pay Less on Insurance

Drive Less Due to Pandemic, Pay Less on Insurance

Doug Heller | May 22, 2020

With driving and accidents way down during the coronavirus pandemic, you could ask for a big break on your auto insurance premium.

How to Make Sure Your Insurer Pays Up

How to Make Sure Your Insurer Pays Up

April 29, 2020

If you’re prescribed a breakthrough drug for hepatitis C, here are four steps to protect your pocketbook… When the newer-generation…

Indexed Universal Life Policies Are Not as Appealing as They Seem

Indexed Universal Life Policies Are Not as Appealing as They Seem

Scott Witt | March 30, 2020

Indexed Universal Life Insurance policies promise more than they can deliver.

Life Insurers Could Misread Your Medical Records

Life Insurers Could Misread Your Medical Records

Lee J. Slavutin, MD, CLU | March 5, 2018

If a life insurance company mistakenly believes you have a health issue that could reduce your life expectancy, it might push up your premiums by 30%.

Let’s Get Real About Health Insurance. (Not Just the Politicians…All of Us.)
The Advocator

Let’s Get Real About Health Insurance. (Not Just the Politicians…All of Us.)

January 17, 2018

Everyone knows that our health-care insurance system is broken. The media focus tends to be on what government can and…

10 Tricky Terms: Deciphering Auto Insurance Language

10 Tricky Terms: Deciphering Auto Insurance Language

J. Robert Hunter | August 16, 2017

When buying auto insurance, do you really know what you are getting and why? The language used in auto insurance…

Questions to Ask When Buying Life Insurance

Questions to Ask When Buying Life Insurance

Tony Steuer, CLU | August 21, 2016

Life insurance can be a powerful tool for protecting your family’s financial future, but it’s crucial to understand the details…

Questions to Ask When Buying Auto Insurance

Questions to Ask When Buying Auto Insurance

Laura Adams | June 6, 2016

Ask these questions when you speak with an auto insurance agent, broker or phone rep to make sure you are…

How to Create a Visual Home Inventory

How to Create a Visual Home Inventory

Jeff Wignall | December 15, 2015

As your insurance company will tell you, having a comprehensive visual record of your home’s contents in the event of…