Kelli McCourt

Kelli McCourt is the editor in chief of Bottom Line Personal.

The Signs of Stroke

The Signs of Stroke

Kelli McCourt | November 16, 2022

During a recent live TV broadcast, Tulsa news anchor Julie Chin started to lose her vision in one eye…her hand…

Not a Ban …a Choice

Not a Ban …a Choice

Kelli McCourt | November 2, 2022

In college, I was required to read The Canterbury Tales. I didn’t love it, but that doesn’t mean I think…

Remind Them About Bottom Line!

Remind Them About Bottom Line!

Kelli McCourt | October 17, 2022

I had a great weekend…for all the right reasons—family, friends, being outdoors and away from my desk. But this one…

Problem With Gift Cards
Money Savers

Problem With Gift Cards

Kelli McCourt | October 2, 2022

Who doesn’t love a gift card? Certainly  I do. In fact, for one of my favorite retailers, I have accumulated…

Lesson Learned

Lesson Learned

Kelli McCourt | September 16, 2022

I just spent three days with my husband in the hospital. He had a severe asthma attack—we started in the…

Simple Way to Protect Your Brain

Simple Way to Protect Your Brain

Kelli McCourt | September 2, 2022

Do you have a close friend—someone supportive and willing to listen to you even at 3:00 in the morning? I…

When Profanity Lends Credibility

When Profanity Lends Credibility

Kelli McCourt | August 16, 2022

Have you noticed that we all are swearing a bit more these days? It is true—the use of curse words…

No More Sidewalk Chaos

No More Sidewalk Chaos

Kelli McCourt | August 2, 2022

My husband and I love wandering around our lovely New England towns, especially in the summer and fall. We spent…

Saying No to a Loan

Saying No to a Loan

Kelli McCourt | July 16, 2022

What do you do when a loved one asks to borrow $1,500 to pay some bills? Especially since you know…

My Guilty Pleasure

My Guilty Pleasure

Kelli McCourt | July 2, 2022

I come from a long line of readers—I remember my parents reading in their bedroom…and my sister and I reading…

Breaking Up With Amazon
Consumer Technology

Breaking Up With Amazon

Kelli McCourt | June 16, 2022

Amazon is like a third member of our household. My husband will say, “We need [fill in the blank],” and…

Beware Hidden Price Increases

Beware Hidden Price Increases

Kelli McCourt | June 2, 2022

Grocery prices are on the rise—but that’s not the only reason we aren’t getting as much for our money. Some…

Help! I Can’t Cook

Help! I Can’t Cook

Kelli McCourt | May 16, 2022

I really am not a great cook…and I am not good at planning meals in advance. That means we often…

Getting Those Zzzs

Getting Those Zzzs

Kelli McCourt | May 2, 2022

I used to have such a wonderful relationship with sleep. I would get in bed at night, read for a…

What is the Metaverse?
Consumer Technology

What is the Metaverse?

Kelli McCourt | April 16, 2022

No doubt, you have heard the buzz about the “metaverse,” but if you’re like me, you probably don’t know what…