Holly Lucille

Holly Lucille, ND, RN, is a naturopathic doctor whose private practice, Healing from Within Healthcare, in West Hollywood, California, focuses on comprehensive naturopathic medicine and individualized care. Dr. Lucille is on the advisory board of Alternative Medicine, Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, Advances in Mind-Body Medicine and Natural Practitioner. She is chair of the Natural Partners INC educational advisory board, vice chair of the Institute for Natural Medicine, and author of Creating and Maintaining Balance: A Woman’s Guide to Safe, Natural Hormone Health. Visit her at DrHollyLucille.com.

Fennel Eases Symptoms of Menopause

Fennel Eases Symptoms of Menopause

Holly Lucille | March 22, 2018

Fennel supplements ease bothersome menopausal symptoms, finds a new study. Fennel is rich in phytoestrogens, which mimic human estrogen.

My Favorite Post-Workout Supplements to Speed Muscle Recovery
The Natural Side of Menopause

My Favorite Post-Workout Supplements to Speed Muscle Recovery

Holly Lucille | February 10, 2018

Whether you hike, do strength training or intense Crossfit classes, here are my favorite supplements to keep up my energy and ensure a quick recovery.

Deadly, Daily Hormone Disrupters
The Natural Side of Menopause

Deadly, Daily Hormone Disrupters

Holly Lucille | July 3, 2017

Ok, deadly might be strong word.  But I got your attention, didn’t I? The fact is, what you are about…

Feeling Sexy During Menopause
Women's Health

Feeling Sexy During Menopause

Holly Lucille | April 2, 2017

Many women feel less sexy as they go through the changes associated with menopause. Holly Lucille, ND, RN, women’s health…

Bone Health After Menopause
Women's Health

Bone Health After Menopause

Holly Lucille | March 2, 2017

One of the lesser known symptoms of menopause is changes in a woman’s bone health. Holly Lucille, ND, RN, women’s…

5 Ways to Younger-Looking Skin

5 Ways to Younger-Looking Skin

Holly Lucille | October 6, 2015

You may think that wrinkle relief is all about Botox, but there are anti-aging secrets you can act on right…

Menopausal Hair Loss

Menopausal Hair Loss

Holly Lucille | March 12, 2015

Bottom Line/HEALTH: As women reach menopause, somehow they start losing their hair a little bit more. And I don’t mean…

Safe Ways to Strengthen Bones

Safe Ways to Strengthen Bones

Holly Lucille | March 12, 2015

Bottom Line/HEALTH: Dr. Holly, a lot of people get prescribed either hormones or Fosamax for bone strengthening in later years,…

Hysterectomy Considerations
Women's Health

Hysterectomy Considerations

Holly Lucille | March 11, 2015

Bottom Line/HEALTH: In the West, we have a nasty habit of cutting out parts of our bodies that we think…

The Truth About Fibromyalgia

The Truth About Fibromyalgia

Holly Lucille | March 11, 2015

Bottom Line/Health: Millions of women spend their days exhausted and in pain, and their pain and their exhaustion is very…

Fight Colds the Way Performers Do

Fight Colds the Way Performers Do

Holly Lucille | January 2, 2014

Here's how singers and actors stay well... When you catch a cold, the sneezing, runny nose, sore throat and coughing…