Women’s Health

The Best Diet for Varicose Veins
Women's Health

The Best Diet for Varicose Veins

James A. Duke, PhD | June 17, 2024

Varicose veins are a condition that most people find unsightly. A diet for varicose veins can help to relieve some of the symptoms and pain though.

What Causes Breast Cysts?
Women's Health

What Causes Breast Cysts?

Jacob Teitelbaum, MD | May 14, 2024

Breast cysts are a justifiably frightening discovery. The presence of a lump of any sort in the breast is cause for alarm. These cysts are benign though.

What Causes Vaginitis and What Helps It?
Women's Health

What Causes Vaginitis and What Helps It?

Jacob Teitelbaum, MD | May 6, 2024

Vaginitis is an uncomfortable inflammation of the vagina caused by an infection of bacteria, yeast, or other microorganism. It is a common issue.

Dangers of Osteoporosis Drugs
Women's Health

Dangers of Osteoporosis Drugs

Jacob Teitelbaum, MD | May 4, 2024

Osteoporosis drugs by causing osteoclasts, the cells that breakdown bones to die early. This may have unintended consequences.

Natural PMS Supplements and Regimen
Women's Health

Natural PMS Supplements and Regimen

Jacob Teitelbaum, MD | April 29, 2024

In this excerpt from Real Cause, Real Cure the authors explain the mechanisms behind PMS symptoms and how natural PMS supplements can help.

What Causes Cognitive Problems in Breast Cancer Survivors?
Women's Health

What Causes Cognitive Problems in Breast Cancer Survivors?

Chris Iliades, MD | December 13, 2022

If you’re a breast cancer survivor, your memory might not be as sharp as it used to be. Cognitive problems…

Vegetarian Diets Increase Hip Fracture Risk in Women
Women's Health

Vegetarian Diets Increase Hip Fracture Risk in Women

Chris Iliades, MD | December 13, 2022

Both vegetarian diets and hip fractures are becoming more common with women. In the U.S., about five percent of the…

Protect Your Heart During Menopause
Women's Health

Protect Your Heart During Menopause

Elizabeth Poynor, MD, PhD | April 6, 2022

Menopause is known to cause plenty of unpleasant symptoms, such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, disrupted sleep, and mood changes.…

Why Breastfeeding Lowers Risk of Heart Disease and Diabetes
Women's Health

Why Breastfeeding Lowers Risk of Heart Disease and Diabetes

Chris Iliades, MD | February 11, 2022

Breastfeeding has long been hailed as super healthy for the nursing baby. It’s also a beneficial practice for the mom,…

Genetic Risk Does Not Decrease Breast Cancer Survival
Women's Health

Genetic Risk Does Not Decrease Breast Cancer Survival

Chris Iliades, MD | January 27, 2022

Usually, the focus of gene mutations BRCA1 and BRCA2 is on increased risk for cancer, so women who test positive…

‘Vascular Storm’ Blamed for Severe Flu During Pregnancy
Women's Health

‘Vascular Storm’ Blamed for Severe Flu During Pregnancy

March 31, 2021

New animal research suggests why the flu can be so dangerous during pregnancy. An immune system reaction called a “vascular storm” may be to blame…

Routine CT Scan Predicts Heart Disease in Breast Cancer Survivors
Women's Health

Routine CT Scan Predicts Heart Disease in Breast Cancer Survivors

March 31, 2021

Imaging studies used to plan breast cancer treatment were recently found to also predict heart disease risk. How this may help protect women…

Surgery for Benign Breast Disease Does Not Affect Breastfeeding
Women's Health

Surgery for Benign Breast Disease Does Not Affect Breastfeeding

March 24, 2021

Young women who have surgery for benign breast disease may worry that they won’t be able to breastfeed after surgery. A new study finds that they can.

C-Section Anesthesia Linked to Post-Partum Depression
What Your Doctor Isn't Telling You

C-Section Anesthesia Linked to Post-Partum Depression

David Sherer, MD | March 20, 2021

Expectant mothers, beware! There’s a clear link between depression in mothers who deliver by cesarean section and the use of general anesthesia. Here’s why, and self-defense.

Which Antidepressant Is Linked to the Most Birth Defects?
Women's Health

Which Antidepressant Is Linked to the Most Birth Defects?

March 10, 2021

Antidepressant use during pregnancy increases the risk for birth defects. The CDC sheds light on which antidepressant is linked to the greatest risk.