
Positive Thinking Could Help Prevent a Stroke

Positive Thinking Could Help Prevent a Stroke

August 25, 2020

Stroke sufferers who think positively about their health have lower blood pressure and reduced risk for a future stroke. New study details…

Why Do I Need to Wear a Heart Monitor for So Long?

Why Do I Need to Wear a Heart Monitor for So Long?

Erin D. ­Michos, MD, MHS | July 29, 2020

If you’re having palpitations or other unexplained heart symptoms, wearing a Holter monitor can help detect the cause. Here, details on the process…

Is My Blood Pressure Too Low?

Is My Blood Pressure Too Low?

Holly Kramer, MD, MPH | June 30, 2020

High blood pressure is a widely recognized health threat, but blood pressure that’s too low also can be harmful. Read on for details…

You May Not Need a Heart Stent
Cardiovascular Disease

You May Not Need a Heart Stent

Suzanne Steinbaum | June 15, 2020

Placing stents in arteries of patients as a pre-emptive measure is no more effective than medication and lifestyle changes.

Postprandial Hypotension: When Eating Makes You Dizzy

Postprandial Hypotension: When Eating Makes You Dizzy

David L. Katz, MD, MPH | January 24, 2020

Feeling faint or dizzy after eating might be caused by postprandial hypotension, a common condition among older adults. Here’s what you can do about it.

E-Cigarettes May Harm the Heart More Than Regular Cigarettes
Cardiovascular Disease

E-Cigarettes May Harm the Heart More Than Regular Cigarettes

January 16, 2020

A landmark study presented at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions finds the products in e-cigs and vape pens cause heart problems.

Physical Exertion at Work Linked to Heart Danger

Physical Exertion at Work Linked to Heart Danger

December 2, 2019

We all know that exercise promotes heart health. But new research shows that certain forms of physical activity may actually be harmful. For details...

To Stent or Not to Stent? Breakthrough Heart Study Results
At the Heart of It All

To Stent or Not to Stent? Breakthrough Heart Study Results

Suzanne Steinbaum | November 30, 2019

This new cardiology trial is bound to overhaul treatment strategies! What patients with stable coronary artery disease should do to prevent heart attacks.

Little-Known Heart Attack and Stroke Triggers: New Insights

Little-Known Heart Attack and Stroke Triggers: New Insights

Barry A. Franklin, PhD | November 11, 2019

To avoid heart attack and stroke, we know to control blood pressure and cholesterol. But there other dangerous triggers to consider…

Dog Owners Live Longer After a Heart Attack or Stroke
Cardiovascular Disease

Dog Owners Live Longer After a Heart Attack or Stroke

October 23, 2019

Owning a dog is good for your health. But new research shows heart attack and stroke survivors get extra benefits—especially if they live alone…

Aspirin for Heart Health: For Many, the Risks Outweigh the Benefits

Aspirin for Heart Health: For Many, the Risks Outweigh the Benefits

Christina C. Wee, MD, MPH | October 14, 2019

Aspirin therapy has long been used to prevent heart attack and stroke. Now, research shows the risks outweigh the benefits for many people. Read on…

Heart Attacks That Start Slowly Could Be More Deadly
Cardiovascular Disease

Heart Attacks That Start Slowly Could Be More Deadly

October 3, 2019

Sudden chest pain is the classic red flag for heart attack. But symptoms that develop gradually may pose a bigger risk. To protect yourself…

Could a Fitness Tracker Save Your Life?
Cardiovascular Disease

Could a Fitness Tracker Save Your Life?

August 12, 2019

Fitness trackers now do much more than count steps and calories. You can also get clues of life-threatening heart conditions. Read on…

Small Changes for a Healthier Heart

Small Changes for a Healthier Heart

Joel K. Kahn, MD | May 6, 2019

These little shifts in what you eat, drink and do can significantly boost your heart health. It’s easier than you think!

What Does Open Heart Surgery Actually Mean?
What Your Doctor Isn't Telling You

What Does Open Heart Surgery Actually Mean?

David Sherer, MD | April 24, 2019

Does open heart surgery mean doctors literally open the heart? Or that they open the chest to get to the heart? It all depends on a lot of factors…