At the Heart of It All

At the Heart of It All will take you on a journey through the undiscussed stages of the biggest change in life. The truth about how women feel, what happens, and how to stay vital and healthy will be addressed. All the untold truths will be revealed, and then what to do about them will be analyzed. You will enter the mystery behind menopause, and how to live from your heart throughout the process.

The Business of Medicine: A Doctor Speaks the Truth
At the Heart of It All

The Business of Medicine: A Doctor Speaks the Truth

Suzanne Steinbaum | January 25, 2020

Hospitals have changed from simply caretaking facilities that take care of people to money makers focused on maximizing billing and the bottom line.

Are You Ready to Transform? Join me!
At the Heart of It All

Are You Ready to Transform? Join me!

Suzanne Steinbaum | December 28, 2019

Change may be scary but it can also be the most exciting part of life. Are you ready to shake it up and transform? To live more fully from your heart?

To Stent or Not to Stent? Breakthrough Heart Study Results
At the Heart of It All

To Stent or Not to Stent? Breakthrough Heart Study Results

Suzanne Steinbaum | November 30, 2019

This new cardiology trial is bound to overhaul treatment strategies! What patients with stable coronary artery disease should do to prevent heart attacks.

Find Your Happiness in the Face of Life’s Challenges
At the Heart of It All

Find Your Happiness in the Face of Life’s Challenges

Suzanne Steinbaum | November 2, 2019

Being happy all the time is not real life. And would we even want to be happy all the time? Maybe the real problem is how we define happiness.

Recovery, Restoration and Managing Stress
At the Heart of It All

Recovery, Restoration and Managing Stress

Suzanne Steinbaum | October 5, 2019

It’s easy for doctors to say, “Manage your stress” but there is more to it than that. How to let yourself cycle through that deep recovery phase…

Start Where You Are: A How-To Guide for Changing Your Life
At the Heart of It All

Start Where You Are: A How-To Guide for Changing Your Life

Suzanne Steinbaum | September 7, 2019

If your doctor hasn’t given you specific advice but you are motivated to change your life and your health, let me step in and give you some guidance.

In the Wake of Violence, Where Do You Stand?
At the Heart of It All

In the Wake of Violence, Where Do You Stand?

Suzanne Steinbaum | August 10, 2019

More people are putting emotion aside, as the violence in our society starts to feel more normal. What are we without compassion or empathy?

Creating Wellness through Healthy Communities
At the Heart of It All

Creating Wellness through Healthy Communities

Suzanne Steinbaum | July 13, 2019

Trying to “be healthy” on your own is a lot tougher than trying to be healthy in fellowship with the people around you. Wellville is on to something…

Dr. Google vs. Your Doctor: Who Do You Trust the Most?
At the Heart of It All

Dr. Google vs. Your Doctor: Who Do You Trust the Most?

Suzanne Steinbaum | June 15, 2019

Patients no longer seek advice from their doctors. They search the Internet and come in with well-formed opinions. But Dr. Google has a dark side.

Bring Back Your Sexy
At the Heart of It All

Bring Back Your Sexy

Suzanne Steinbaum | May 18, 2019

Leading a heart-healthy life includes leading a sexual one. But you need to know to how adapt to the new realities of your evolving body chemistry.

Heart Disease Starts Long Before the Diagnosis…So Stop Waiting
At the Heart of It All

Heart Disease Starts Long Before the Diagnosis…So Stop Waiting

Suzanne Steinbaum | April 20, 2019

If the choices you make—a doughnut over fruit, Netflix binge over a workout—would mean you have heart disease right now, would you choose differently?

Taking a Moment (or Several) for Life Balance
At the Heart of It All

Taking a Moment (or Several) for Life Balance

Suzanne Steinbaum | March 23, 2019

It’s tough to find balance when so many different things are pulling at us. But you can—you must—decide what to give the most energy to at any moment.

Women: Don’t Let Your Doctor Miss Your Heart Disease
At the Heart of It All

Women: Don’t Let Your Doctor Miss Your Heart Disease

Suzanne Steinbaum | February 23, 2019

Heart disease doesn’t appear out of nowhere. If your doctor doesn’t recognize your heart issues, it is up to you to ensure they do—before a heart attack!

“I’ve Done Everything Right…Why Am I Having Heart Problems?”
At the Heart of It All

“I’ve Done Everything Right…Why Am I Having Heart Problems?”

Suzanne Steinbaum | January 26, 2019

Heart disease may be preventable 80% of the time, but 20% of the time, it is difficult or impossible to make an impact with lifestyle choices alone.

The Best Way to Advocate for Your Health: Ask the Right Questions
At the Heart of It All

The Best Way to Advocate for Your Health: Ask the Right Questions

Suzanne Steinbaum | December 1, 2018

Patients must advocate for themselves, and asking questions is where this begins. Here, secrets of better communication with your doctor.