For most of us, afternoon fatigue sets in around 3 pm. You might want to down a large latte (or worse, a soda). But don’t repeat a cycle of buzzing and crashing! Smart food choices and simple changes in your behavior can make a big difference. Use this 24-hour plan to ensure energy during the afternoon slowdown and all day long…

BREAKFAST: Eat avocado at breakfast. It’s rich in healthful fats, fiber and potassium, which will help energize you for hours to come. Blend it into a smoothie, or eat it with a drizzle of olive oil and tomato. If you don’t like avocado, try soft-boiled eggs, which also are quick and energizing.

MIDMORNING: Talk with a friendly coworker, or call a friend for a quick chat. Communicating with people you enjoy can be energizing. Also sneak in a revitalizing yoga stretch. What to do: While sitting on the edge of your chair, extend your legs out straight with your heels touching the floor. Inhale and lengthen your spine. As you exhale, fold forward over your legs. In this position, take a few deep breaths. As you exhale, go deeper into the stretch. When you’re ready, inhale and sit up.

LUNCHTIME: Take a 10-minute walk after lunch. This can lead to increased energy for up to two hours afterward, according to recent research. Or try an energizing yoga pose. What to do: While standing, inhale and reach your arms and hands toward the sky. Exhale and then touch your toes. Take a few deep breaths, then come back up to a standing position. Repeat several times. Avoid eating refined carbohydrates or sugar at lunch—these can cause blood sugar to spike, then crash, reducing energy.

MIDAFTERNOON: Splash cold water on your face. It can be invigorating!

BEFORE BED: Set the stage for a restful night’s sleep. Turn off all computer screens (your cell phone and TV, too!) an hour before bed. Melatonin, a hormone that induces sleep, is secreted in the dark. Screens can fool the body into thinking it’s daytime, reducing melatonin. Calming bedtime stretch: Lie on your back, and raise your legs up against a wall so your body forms a right angle. Breathe slowly and easily. Stay in this position for as long as is comfortable for you.

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