Holiday season is the best and worst time of the year. On the plus side there are parties, lovely traditions, family visits—but on the negative side, there’s overspending, overeating and…family visits.

The Bottom Line Guide to Health, Happy Holidays 2016-2017! will steer you through the challenges of this wonderful but often trying season.

Read more below…and good health and happiness to you and your loved ones!

Note: Also check out Bottom Line’s Bring Home the Joy! Holiday Entertaining Guide.

Taking It Easier

5 Holiday Dangers That Send You to the ER
An emergency room doctor tells how to avoid these surprising causes of holiday injuries that he’s seen in his own hospital.

When Relaxing Makes You Sick
Is your holiday and vacation time off spoiled by “leisure sickness?” Here’s how to have the good time that you should be having.

8 Tips and Tricks to Make Your Holidays Easier
The best ways to deal with dropping pine needles and cranberry sauce stains…an easy, natural way to freshen a room…and five more tips to help you save time and money during the holidays.

Your Personal Stress-Relief Go-To Kit
If planning and enjoying the holidays has left you frazzled, here’s what can help you feel relaxed all over…

When You’ve Partied Too Much…

Undo Holiday Excess
Did you party too hearty, and now you’re feeling sluggish and bloated? Here’s how to undo the damage…plus some tips for how to minimize the impact of future holiday indulgences…

Don’t Let Holiday Foods Derail Your Medications
Foods and beverages that you don’t normally eat or drink—except at Christmas or Hanukkah—can wreak havoc with your medications, making them less effective or even bringing on a toxic reaction. Watch out for these food-drug combos…

Beyond Pepto Bismal—Get Rid of That Tummy Ache Naturally
Even if you have super will power, holiday treats are notoriously super tempting! When indigestion strikes from having one too many, you’ll be glad to know about these three easy-to-take natural remedies…

The Simple Scheduling Trick That Combats Holiday Weight Gain
This surprising exercise strategy—that doesn’t require any extra exertion!—can help you head off your usual holiday weight gain.

Time for You…and Loved Ones

How to Help a Lonely Person
You want to help, but you don’t have an unlimited supply of precious time to give to the lonely person in your life. A psychologist tells what are the most effective and efficient ways to brighten up the life of a lonely person…

Crazy With Stress? Craft Your Way to Calm
Your creative hobby can do more than help you fill out your Christmas or Hanukkah gift list—it can also keep your heart healthy, your blood pressure in check…and relieve the pressures of everyday life. Learn more…

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