Diseases & Conditions

Laryngitis Self-Care
Diseases & Conditions

Laryngitis Self-Care

James A. Duke, PhD | May 15, 2024

If you have sore throat and fever, see your physician. It could be strep that leads to rheumatic fever. Otherwise, sore throats usually go away in about five to seven days.

What Causes Breast Cysts?
Women's Health

What Causes Breast Cysts?

Jacob Teitelbaum, MD | May 14, 2024

Breast cysts are a justifiably frightening discovery. The presence of a lump of any sort in the breast is cause for alarm. These cysts are benign though.

Cold and Flu Prevention Tips
Diseases & Conditions

Cold and Flu Prevention Tips

Jacob Teitelbaum, MD | May 10, 2024

Viral infections like cold and flu are best prevented by taking care of yourself and keeping your immune system in tip-top shape with good nutrition.

Straight Talk on Constipation
Diseases & Conditions

Straight Talk on Constipation

Jamison Starbuck, ND | May 9, 2024

As a naturopathic physician, I know that bowel function is an important indicator of overall health. That’s why within three…

What Causes Dry Eyes and Mouth
Eye Health

What Causes Dry Eyes and Mouth

Jacob Teitelbaum, MD | May 8, 2024

Dry eyes and mouth are more than just uncomfortable. Dryness can damage surrounding tissue like the teeth, gums, and the tear ducts, cornea, and more.

Checking Out a Surgeon
Diseases & Conditions

Checking Out a Surgeon

Charles B. Inlander | May 8, 2024

Eight years ago, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. I had just one day to check out the neurosurgeon…

Urinary Tract Infections Are Common After Menopause
Diseases & Conditions

Urinary Tract Infections Are Common After Menopause

Alan D. Garely, MD | May 7, 2024

A sudden and urgent need to urinate, burning pain when passing urine, and lower belly pain and pressure: For many…

What Causes Vaginitis and What Helps It?
Women's Health

What Causes Vaginitis and What Helps It?

Jacob Teitelbaum, MD | May 6, 2024

Vaginitis is an uncomfortable inflammation of the vagina caused by an infection of bacteria, yeast, or other microorganism. It is a common issue.

Ulcer Friendly Foods and Some to Avoid

Ulcer Friendly Foods and Some to Avoid

James A. Duke, PhD | May 5, 2024

Ulcers are sores within the stomach where the protective lining has been eaten away allowing stomach acid to attack the…

The Most Misunderstood Mind-Body Practice
Diseases & Conditions

The Most Misunderstood Mind-Body Practice

Nolan Williams, MD | May 5, 2024

Of all the various mind-body disciplines, hypnosis is probably the most misunderstood. Misconceptions from portrayals on television and in movies—scenes…

Dangers of Osteoporosis Drugs
Women's Health

Dangers of Osteoporosis Drugs

Jacob Teitelbaum, MD | May 4, 2024

Osteoporosis drugs by causing osteoclasts, the cells that breakdown bones to die early. This may have unintended consequences.

Will CRISPR Change the World?
Diseases & Conditions

Will CRISPR Change the World?

Channabasavaiah Gurumurthy, BVSC, MVSC, PhD, EMBA | May 4, 2024

In December 2023, the U.S. Food and Drug Administrations (FDA) announced approval of a milestone treatment for sickle cell disease:…

How to Clear Sinusitis

How to Clear Sinusitis

Jacob Teitelbaum, MD | May 3, 2024

When you’re in pain from acute sinusitis, you probably don’t care much about the long-term problem. You just want the pain and swelling to go away!

Deep Sleep Reduces Alzheimer’s Disease Risk
Diseases & Conditions

Deep Sleep Reduces Alzheimer’s Disease Risk

Frank Coletta, MD | May 3, 2024

About every three seconds, someone develops dementia. In most cases, the cause is Alzheimer’s disease (AD). While researchers are still…

At Home UTI Treatment
Diseases & Conditions

At Home UTI Treatment

James A. Duke, PhD | May 2, 2024

Half of all women will have at least one bladder infection during their lives. Men can have bladder infections too, but this problem strikes mostly women.