Soul Perspective

Regardless of your faith, every human being possess a Divine spark and potential for greatness. Reverend Greg Doll and Rabbi Daniel Cohen explore new dimensions and horizons for a soul perspective on life. In a tumultuous world, they offer timeless wisdom and guidance to realize your best self and navigational tools for leading an inspired and purposeful life.

Soul Care Secret: Gratitude
Soul Perspective

Soul Care Secret: Gratitude

Rabbi Cohen and Reverend Doll | October 3, 2017

The healthiest human beings we have met can all be described as people of deep gratitude. What can you do to foster yours?

Wake Up! Your Opportunity Clock Is Ringing
Soul Perspective

Wake Up! Your Opportunity Clock Is Ringing

Rabbi Cohen and Reverend Doll | September 5, 2017

We have laughed over the years about the old quip from motivational speaker and writer Zig Ziglar, “This morning did…you…

How Good Is Your Word?
Soul Perspective

How Good Is Your Word?

Rabbi Cohen and Reverend Doll | August 16, 2017

What drives you? Do you want fame or a good name?? The truth is that in our hearts, we know…

Tune In to Your Inner Spark…and Find Your Greater Purpose
Soul Perspective

Tune In to Your Inner Spark…and Find Your Greater Purpose

Rabbi Cohen and Reverend Doll | May 30, 2017

What gives you the greatest joy in life? When does your soul sing? We sing when we transcend ourselves and…

Two-Word Secret of Caring for Your Soul
Soul Perspective

Two-Word Secret of Caring for Your Soul

Rabbi Cohen and Reverend Doll | May 30, 2017

If we could share only one piece of advice about caring for your soul, what would it be? Two words:…

Why You Can’t Enjoy Life
Soul Perspective

Why You Can’t Enjoy Life

Rabbi Cohen and Reverend Doll | May 30, 2017

There is a scene in the movie Chariots of Fire. It is not one of the scenes that garnered a…