Soul Perspective

Regardless of your faith, every human being possess a Divine spark and potential for greatness. Reverend Greg Doll and Rabbi Daniel Cohen explore new dimensions and horizons for a soul perspective on life. In a tumultuous world, they offer timeless wisdom and guidance to realize your best self and navigational tools for leading an inspired and purposeful life.

Light It Up This Holiday Season and Heal the World
Soul Perspective

Light It Up This Holiday Season and Heal the World

Rabbi Cohen and Reverend Doll | October 29, 2019

In the shadow of a farmhouse, I discovered hope in the midst of despair. It is not about healing the world but healing the world that touches you.

How to Keep Friends Who Complain Too Much
Soul Perspective

How to Keep Friends Who Complain Too Much

Rabbi Cohen and Reverend Doll | September 4, 2018

One of the most challenging relationships is one with a friend who focus on the negative. Five tips to handle complainers—and even turn them around.

What to Say When You Visit Someone in the Hospital
Soul Perspective

What to Say When You Visit Someone in the Hospital

Rabbi Cohen and Reverend Doll | May 15, 2018

There is nearly a universal response to the prospect of visiting someone in the hospital: Terror. Here’s how to get past your fears.

What to Say When Someone Dies
Soul Perspective

What to Say When Someone Dies

Rabbi Cohen and Reverend Doll | March 20, 2018

Most people are at a loss for words when speaking to someone who has lost a loved one. Here’s the best way to offer comfort. It’s easier than you think.