Soul Perspective

Regardless of your faith, every human being possess a Divine spark and potential for greatness. Reverend Greg Doll and Rabbi Daniel Cohen explore new dimensions and horizons for a soul perspective on life. In a tumultuous world, they offer timeless wisdom and guidance to realize your best self and navigational tools for leading an inspired and purposeful life.

Feeling Old—And Like Life Is Flying By? How to Stay Forever Young
Soul Perspective

Feeling Old—And Like Life Is Flying By? How to Stay Forever Young

Rabbi Cohen and Reverend Doll | January 21, 2020

Three questions to ask yourself...and four healthy practices to help you stay, as the Bob Dylan song implores us, "forever young."

How Would the World Be Different Without You?
Soul Perspective

How Would the World Be Different Without You?

Rabbi Cohen and Reverend Doll | December 24, 2019

We all want meaning and joy in life, to make an impact. Then we get distracted and end up living with regret. Make this year different. Here's how...

Where to Find Your Joy
Soul Perspective

Where to Find Your Joy

Rabbi Cohen and Reverend Doll | November 26, 2019

Looking for joy in things, experiences, relationships, accomplishments etc., is an elusive pursuit. I'll tell you where I always see joy…

Light It Up This Holiday Season and Heal the World
Soul Perspective

Light It Up This Holiday Season and Heal the World

Rabbi Cohen and Reverend Doll | October 29, 2019

In the shadow of a farmhouse, I discovered hope in the midst of despair. It is not about healing the world but healing the world that touches you.

How to Find Solid Footing When Life Seems So Unsteady
Soul Perspective

How to Find Solid Footing When Life Seems So Unsteady

Rabbi Cohen and Reverend Doll | October 1, 2019

Our lives are like amusement park rides, up and down, up and down. Surprise movements often leave us feeling vulnerable. How to get through.

Need Help? Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for It
Soul Perspective

Need Help? Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for It

Rabbi Cohen and Reverend Doll | September 3, 2019

Asking for help when faced with a health scare, career hurdle or relationship on the rocks is not a sign a weakness but of strength. Five keys…

What You Can Do in Only 3-1/3 Seconds
Soul Perspective

What You Can Do in Only 3-1/3 Seconds

Rabbi Cohen and Reverend Doll | August 6, 2019

We wield great power with our words. To hold back criticism, reject gossip or show restraint on social media is important but doesn’t go far enough.

How to Have the Best Summer Ever
Soul Perspective

How to Have the Best Summer Ever

Rabbi Cohen and Reverend Doll | July 9, 2019

When Labor Day arrives, the most common refrain is, “The summer went by so fast!” Here’s how to reverse engineer your summer for the best one ever!

The Lessons from Silence
Soul Perspective

The Lessons from Silence

Rabbi Cohen and Reverend Doll | June 11, 2019

Add silence to your list of human necessities. A week spent disconnected and mainly alone with just your thoughts could be the best thing you ever do.

What You Can Do to Make a Difference
Soul Perspective

What You Can Do to Make a Difference

Rabbi Cohen and Reverend Doll | May 14, 2019

Constant tragic news breeds anxiety and despair. Don’t lose hope! Here’s how anyone can create greater peace and understanding in the world.

There Is Always Hope
Soul Perspective

There Is Always Hope

Rabbi Cohen and Reverend Doll | April 16, 2019

Hope is built on the principle that our lives are full of seasons, and seasons don’t last forever. But there’s a secret to hope we can’t forget…

Turn Your Problem into a Gift
Soul Perspective

Turn Your Problem into a Gift

Rabbi Cohen and Reverend Doll | March 19, 2019

We all face challenges at different points of our life when we seem to be stuck in a problem without a clear path forward…but you can find it.

The Joy of Giving Away the Gifts You’ve Been Given
Soul Perspective

The Joy of Giving Away the Gifts You’ve Been Given

Rabbi Cohen and Reverend Doll | February 19, 2019

We’ve all been given a unique set of talents and passions…the things handed down. But what will you do with your gifts? How do you pass them on?

Meaningful Ways to Remember Loved Ones Who Have Passed Away
Soul Perspective

Meaningful Ways to Remember Loved Ones Who Have Passed Away

Rabbi Cohen and Reverend Doll | January 22, 2019

Four ways to reconnect to a loved one no matter how many years since he or she died. One candle, one soul, can light many flames. Pass it on!

Are You Guilty of Distracted Living?
Soul Perspective

Are You Guilty of Distracted Living?

Rabbi Cohen and Reverend Doll | October 2, 2018

We pay continuous partial attention in an effort not to miss anything—multitasking, surfing the Web, on our phones—yet in the end, we gain nothing.