Natural Healing Secrets for Women

Just as you can’t judge a book by its cover, you can’t cure a health problem by just treating the symptoms. The benefits of natural medicine in bringing optimal wellness to women come alive in these real-life stories of healing from Dr. Laurie Steelsmith, ND.

7 Immune-Boosting Tricks to Stay Healthier
Natural Healing Secrets for Women

7 Immune-Boosting Tricks to Stay Healthier

Laurie Steelsmith, ND, LAc | December 14, 2019

The greatest gift you can give yourself is health. Here are seven simple tricks to build your body’s defense system naturally…this season and always.

Solving the Puzzle of Sudden-Onset Depression
Natural Healing Secrets for Women

Solving the Puzzle of Sudden-Onset Depression

Laurie Steelsmith, ND, LAc | November 16, 2019

From happy and involved to persistent sadness and pain, the cause (and cure) of this deep depression was rooted in the patient’s move to her new home.

Game-Changing Pain Relief with Oxygen (Ozone) Therapy
Natural Healing Secrets for Women

Game-Changing Pain Relief with Oxygen (Ozone) Therapy

Laurie Steelsmith, ND, LAc | October 19, 2019

Oxygen (ozone) therapy provides faster healing from soft tissue and joint pain. Patients regain range of motion…walk with ease…and sleep solidly again.

The Secret Ingredient That Causes Digestive Distress
Natural Healing Secrets for Women

The Secret Ingredient That Causes Digestive Distress

Laurie Steelsmith, ND, LAc | September 21, 2019

After eating, Patrice felt bloated, followed by gas, constipation or diarrhea—and sometimes pain. It’s wasn’t really IBS, but a food sensitivity!

Natural Relief (At Last!) for Painful Period Cramps
Natural Healing Secrets for Women

Natural Relief (At Last!) for Painful Period Cramps

Laurie Steelsmith, ND, LAc | August 24, 2019

Going off birth control pills caused debilitating menstrual cramps. The solution started with soothing baths and finished with a lifestyle makeover.

The Root Cause of Heart Palpitations, Anger, Weight Gain, More
Natural Healing Secrets for Women

The Root Cause of Heart Palpitations, Anger, Weight Gain, More

Laurie Steelsmith, ND, LAc | July 27, 2019

Lily was concerned that the symptoms accompanying her heart palpitations—anger, interim weight gain, breast tenderness—signified a grave problem.

IV Nutrient Therapy for Asthma and Allergy Relief
Natural Healing Secrets for Women

IV Nutrient Therapy for Asthma and Allergy Relief

Laurie Steelsmith, ND, LAc | June 29, 2019

A rash on her face…body relentlessly itchy…eyelids often swollen…a cold or flu every 2 to 3 months…asthma and allergies unbearable! Here’s the cure…

Hidden Cause of Neck and Shoulder Pain: Low Hormones
Natural Healing Secrets for Women

Hidden Cause of Neck and Shoulder Pain: Low Hormones

Laurie Steelsmith, ND, LAc | June 1, 2019

Kara’s neck and shoulder pain had grown so acute she could hardly fasten her bra. Here’s the three-pronged approach that brought relief.

PRP Magic: Look Younger, Feel Younger with Platelet-Rich Plasma
Natural Healing Secrets for Women

PRP Magic: Look Younger, Feel Younger with Platelet-Rich Plasma

Laurie Steelsmith, ND, LAc | May 9, 2019

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy injects a patient’s own blood to jumpstart the healing process to rejuvenate skin, joints, sexual pleasure, more.

Overcoming Insomnia Naturally
Natural Healing Secrets for Women

Overcoming Insomnia Naturally

Laurie Steelsmith, ND, LAc | April 6, 2019

Everything seemed right: No major illnesses…a job she loved…healthful diet…regular exercise. Here’s why Olivia was having sleep problems—and the cure.

Relief at Last for Severely Itchy Skin
Natural Healing Secrets for Women

Relief at Last for Severely Itchy Skin

Laurie Steelsmith, ND, LAc | March 9, 2019

Itchy skin can be a surprising effect of menopause-related hormonal changes. Learn the natural secrets to relief.

Sudden Adult Acne: Mystery Solved and Cured—Naturally
Natural Healing Secrets for Women

Sudden Adult Acne: Mystery Solved and Cured—Naturally

Laurie Steelsmith, ND, LAc | February 9, 2019

Liz’s sudden and persistent acne flare-up—the lower half of her face was covered in pimples—defied her dermatologist. Here’s what solved it.

The Detox Cure for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Natural Healing Secrets for Women

The Detox Cure for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Laurie Steelsmith, ND, LAc | January 12, 2019

Carolyn’s digestive woes started with antibiotics to treat her teenage acne. This natural detox finally stopped the bloating, gas and constipation.

Drug-Free Help for PCOS
Natural Healing Secrets for Women

Drug-Free Help for PCOS

Laurie Steelsmith, ND, LAc | November 17, 2018

PCOS can cause irregular periods, mood changes, headaches, increased facial hair, acne and more. This natural protocol works without medications.

Resolving Chronic Bloating and Other Digestive Misery
Natural Healing Secrets for Women

Resolving Chronic Bloating and Other Digestive Misery

Laurie Steelsmith, ND, LAc | August 25, 2018

Chronic bloating, gassiness, constipation, fatigue and more were caused by bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). Here, the safe, natural protocol that cured it.