Susan Besser, MD

Susan Besser, MD, board-certified family physician, Mercy Personal Physicians, Baltimore.

Walking With Osteoporosis: Exercise to Help You Heal

Walking With Osteoporosis: Exercise to Help You Heal

Susan Besser, MD | November 2, 2018

Scared of high-impact exercise? Then make walking part of your strategy to rebuild bone and lower your risk for fracture.

Walk Your Way Out of Depression

Walk Your Way Out of Depression

Susan Besser, MD | August 24, 2018

Looking for a drug-free answer to conquer depression? A daily walk can help as much as medication.

Timing Is Everything: When to Walk to Treat Insomnia

Timing Is Everything: When to Walk to Treat Insomnia

Susan Besser, MD | June 16, 2018

When slumber eludes you, a walking program can get your sleep-wake cycle back in sync with the rest of the world.