Scott W. Hood, CFA

Scott W. Hood, CFA, is CEO and portfolio manager at First Wilshire Securities Management, Pasadena, California, which manages $410 million.

February 13, 2019 | East West Bancorp Inc. | EWBC
Stock of the Week

February 13, 2019 | East West Bancorp Inc. | EWBC

Scott W. Hood, CFA | February 8, 2019

This week’s Stock of the Week serves specific communities and understands them very well.

July 25, 2018 | EZCorp Inc. | EZPW
Stock of the Week

July 25, 2018 | EZCorp Inc. | EZPW

Scott W. Hood, CFA | July 20, 2018

This week’s Stock of the Week is in a stable business and expanding its offerings and geographical footprint.