Raymond Hwang, MD, MEng, MBA

Raymond Hwang, MD, MEng, MBA, assistant clinical professor of orthopedic surgery at Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, and medical director at Hinge Health, a digital musculoskeletal clinic for back, neck, joint and other ­musculoskeletal pain. Dr. Hwang is a spine surgeon and a reviewer for The Spine Journal (the official journal of the North American Spine Society) and serves on the Institutional Review Board and Musculoskeletal ­Steering Committee at Beth Israel Lahey Health in Massachusetts. HingeHealth.com

When It Comes to Joint Replacement, Age Is Nothing But a Number

When It Comes to Joint Replacement, Age Is Nothing But a Number

Raymond Hwang, MD, MEng, MBA | October 4, 2022

Have you stopped playing golf because your knee hurts too much…or find yourself sitting out because of hip pain when…