Michael F. Roizen, MD

Michael F. Roizen, MD, chief wellness officer emeritus at Cleveland Clinic and chief of its Wellness Institute. Board-certified in internal medicine and anesthesiology, he has authored 195 peer-reviewed publications and served 16 years on FDA advisory committees. He is coauthor of The Great Age Reboot: Cracking the Longevity Code for a Younger Tomorrow. GreatAgeReboot.com

Your Vitamin/Supplement Checklist

Your Vitamin/Supplement Checklist

Michael F. Roizen, MD | June 11, 2024

Most American adults don’t follow the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which means they’re not getting all of the vitamins and…

Yes… You Can Fix Your Genes

Yes… You Can Fix Your Genes

Michael F. Roizen, MD | August 17, 2023

Do-it-yourself genetic modifications might sound like science fiction, but it turns out that we do have considerable control over our…

Time Your Meals to Lose Weight, Prevent Heart Disease and More

Time Your Meals to Lose Weight, Prevent Heart Disease and More

Michael F. Roizen, MD | March 11, 2019

What you eat is important—but so is the timing. Here, the latest thinking on chrononutrition—and the best times to eat…