Mark Salzinger

Mark Salzinger, chief investment officer at money-manager firm Salzinger Sheaff Brock, LLC, Indianapolis. He is editor of The No-Load Fund Investor newsletter.

Great Alternatives to Closed Funds
Mutual Funds & ETFs

Great Alternatives to Closed Funds

Mark Salzinger | May 28, 2019

When great funds are closed, look for funds with similar investment styles and portfolios. Plus: Three copycat funds to consider.

Dump Your Funds?
Mutual Funds & ETFs

Dump Your Funds?

Mark Salzinger | February 24, 2016

There Are Steadier Choices for This Troubled Market Are your mutual funds the right ones for a rocky stock market?…

Alternatives to Closed Funds
Mutual Funds & ETFs

Alternatives to Closed Funds

Mark Salzinger | September 1, 2015

Many of the best mutual fund managers don’t want your money anymore. About 9% of stock funds currently don’t accept…

Tax-Efficient Funds
Mutual Funds & ETFs

Tax-Efficient Funds

Mark Salzinger | March 26, 2014

When mutual fund managers sell shares of stocks in their portfolios after prices have risen, investors in those funds may…

These 5 Funds Can Shield You from Higher Taxes
Mutual Funds & ETFs

These 5 Funds Can Shield You from Higher Taxes

Mark Salzinger | February 1, 2013

The tax bite on your gains and income from mutual funds may be going up—making it even more important to…