Lauren Zander

Lauren Zander, cofounder and chairwoman, The Handel Group, New York City. Zander is author of Maybe It’s You: Cut the Crap, Face Your Fears, Love Your Life and creator of The Handel Method. She has spent more than 20 years as a life coach for private clients and has appeared in several publications and television shows.

Making Loudmouths Shut Up!

Making Loudmouths Shut Up!

Lauren Zander | April 8, 2014

Surely you’ve been to a dinner party where one of the guests has ideas about, say, politics or the economy…

Dealing with Braggarts

Dealing with Braggarts

Lauren Zander | April 8, 2014

We all have that one friend or relative—the one who “casually” references the big raise he got again and again.…

Healing Sibling Relationships

Healing Sibling Relationships

Lauren Zander | April 7, 2014

Anyone who grew up with brothers and/or sisters can attest to the sometimes turbulent nature of the sibling relationship. As…

Dealing with Needy People

Dealing with Needy People

Lauren Zander | April 7, 2014

Needy people come in a variety of guises—old friends, new friends, family and colleagues—with needs that span a wide variety,…

Dream Up the Life You Wish You Had…And Make It Real

Dream Up the Life You Wish You Had…And Make It Real

Lauren Zander | February 20, 2014

Some people spit out the word dreamer as if it were an insult: "That guy? He's just a dreamer." Wrong!…

How to Shift the Balance of Power in Your Relationship

How to Shift the Balance of Power in Your Relationship

Lauren Zander | January 22, 2014

In your relationship with your romantic partner, how powerful do you feel? If the answer is “not very,” life coach Lauren…

The Rating System for Better Sex

The Rating System for Better Sex

Lauren Zander | July 8, 2013

It’s interesting how so many Americans find it easy to say exactly how they want things—for example, what goes in…

Free Your Mind from “Crowd-Think”

Free Your Mind from “Crowd-Think”

Lauren Zander | May 20, 2013

A fascinating and disturbing survey illustrates just how rampant is a phenomenon called “crowd-think.” One thousand Americans were asked to…

Zander On How to Fight Fair

Zander On How to Fight Fair

Lauren Zander | August 2, 2012

Everyone Wins When You Follow Simple Ground Rules In every close relationship -- be it spouses, lovers, siblings or parents…

What Your “Animal Type” Says About You

What Your “Animal Type” Says About You

Lauren Zander | July 20, 2012

People love to describe others by comparing them to animals. Someone who is graceful is like a cat…if you are…