Grant Lipman, MD

Grant Lipman, MD, clinical assistant professor of surgery and clinics emergency at Stanford University School of Medicine, California, and lead author of a study published in Annals of Emergency Medicine.

The Cheap Pill That Beats Altitude Sickness
Diseases & Conditions

The Cheap Pill That Beats Altitude Sickness

Grant Lipman, MD | September 17, 2012

If you’ve ever experienced altitude sickness, then you know what Grant Lipman, MD, a clinical assistant professor of surgery and…

Over-the-Counter Solution to Altitude Sickness

Over-the-Counter Solution to Altitude Sickness

Grant Lipman, MD | July 19, 2012

If only heading to the mountains for vacation didn't mean battling altitude sickness! The debilitating symptoms—headache, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, vomiting,…