Gideon Rothschild, Esq.

Gideon Rothschild, Esq., partner, now retired, with the New York City law firm Moses & Singer LLP. He is a past chair of the Real Property Trust & Estate Law Section of the American Bar Association.

Are You a Trustee of a Life Insurance Trust? Know Your Obligations!
Wealthy and Wise

Are You a Trustee of a Life Insurance Trust? Know Your Obligations!

Gideon Rothschild, Esq. | August 6, 2018

Being trustee of a life insurance trust is not just an honorary title—you really do have some key responsibilities that you must perform.

How You Can Change an Irrevocable Trust: Decanting
Wealthy and Wise

How You Can Change an Irrevocable Trust: Decanting

Gideon Rothschild, Esq. | June 11, 2018

An irrevocable trust doesn't have to be as irrevocable as you might think: To change an existing trust, decant it.