Gerald Bernstein, MD

Gerald Bernstein, MD, internist and endocrinologist, program director, Friedman Diabetes Program, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City.

Why Is Low Blood Sugar So Dangerous for People with Diabetes?

Why Is Low Blood Sugar So Dangerous for People with Diabetes?

Gerald Bernstein, MD | December 27, 2018

If you have diabetes, it's normal to have mild low blood sugar—hypoglycemia—sometimes. But severe hypoglycemia is dangerous. Here's how to prevent it.

Can Diabetes Be Reversed?

Can Diabetes Be Reversed?

Gerald Bernstein, MD | September 18, 2017

Can type 2 diabetes be reversed? Yes, it can! Recent diet studies, as well as results from bariatric surgery, show what is possible.

Should Everyone with Diabetes See an Endocrinologist?

Should Everyone with Diabetes See an Endocrinologist?

Gerald Bernstein, MD | April 28, 2017

I was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes by my primary-care doctor. Do I need to see a specialist? In…

Beat Prediabetes With These Simple Steps

Beat Prediabetes With These Simple Steps

Gerald Bernstein, MD | February 27, 2017

If you’re over age 45 and you get regular checkups, your doctor will probably test you for diabetes. But only…