Elliott Gue

Elliott Gue, cofounder of the investment-publishing company Capitalist Times, McLean, Virginia, and co-editor of the Energy & Income Advisor newsletter. CapitalistTimes.com

What Canaries Can Tell You About theStock Market … and Which Ones Are Most Accurate Now

What Canaries Can Tell You About theStock Market … and Which Ones Are Most Accurate Now

Robert M. Brinker, CFS | June 11, 2024

Nobel Prize–winning economist Paul Samuelson once said, “The stock market has predicted nine out of the last five recessions.” His…

Indicator Companies to Follow

Indicator Companies to Follow

Elliott Gue | June 11, 2024

To see the big picture about where the economy and certain stock market sectors might be heading, it pays to…

Will the Energy Rally Continue?

Will the Energy Rally Continue?

Elliott Gue | May 6, 2023

In April 2022, Elliott Gue said old-economy energy stocks were likely to emerge as the new market ­leaders…and the S&P…

Investing in Energy Stocks in Today’s Volatile World

Investing in Energy Stocks in Today’s Volatile World

Elliott Gue | April 15, 2022

The death of fossil-fuel companies has been greatly exaggerated. For much of the last decade, oil-and-natural-gas stocks were on life…