David A. Alter, MD, PhD

David A. Alter, MD, PhD, is a senior scientist at the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, Division of Cardiology and the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute of St. Michael’s Hospital, associate staff physician with the secondary cardiac prevention program at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, and an associate professor with the department of Medicine at the University of Toronto. Dr. Alter is the chief scientific officer of INTERxVENT Canada. He has authored nearly 100 scientific peer-reviewed manuscripts in the areas of health services, population health and epidemiology research.

Doctors Embracing Preventive Medicine with Therapeutic Lifestyle Change

Doctors Embracing Preventive Medicine with Therapeutic Lifestyle Change

Neil Gordon, MD, PhD | September 13, 2012

Medically Based Programs Effectively Prevent or Reverse Disease "Therapeutic lifestyle change" is the new $10 term that describes medically based,…