Dana Anspach, CFP

Dana Anspach, CFP, CEO of Sensible Money, LLC, which specializes in retirement-income planning, Scottsdale, Arizona. SensibleMoney.com

Make Sure Your Financial Advisor Is On Your Side
Personal Finances

Make Sure Your Financial Advisor Is On Your Side

Dana Anspach, CFP | June 11, 2024

Under federal law dating back to 1940, investment advisors are required to act in their clients’ best interests…so most of…

Strategies to Simplify Your Money… and Your Life
Personal Finances

Strategies to Simplify Your Money… and Your Life

Rob Bertman, CFA, CFP | September 15, 2022

When we look to improve or alter our financial lives, we instinctively add stuff. The result? An unwieldy mess of…

What to Do If Your Pension Plan “De-Risks”
Personal Finances

What to Do If Your Pension Plan “De-Risks”

Dana Anspach, CFP | August 21, 2022

If you have a defined-benefit pension from your employer, you could face a common scenario—your company may decide to offload…

The Financial Benefits of Staggered Retirement
Retirement Living

The Financial Benefits of Staggered Retirement

Dana Anspach, CFP | October 1, 2021

Many two-income couples assume that they’ll retire at the same time and then transition to a new chapter in their…

5 Money Mavens Reveal Their Most Memorable Mistakes
Personal Finances

5 Money Mavens Reveal Their Most Memorable Mistakes

Terri Spath CFA, CFP | April 8, 2019

Even some of the country’s shrewdest financial pros have made big mistakes with their money. Here are their confessions so you don’t make those mistakes.

These Funds Aim for Secure Retirement Income
Portfolio Strategy

These Funds Aim for Secure Retirement Income

Dana Anspach, CFP | January 3, 2019

Retirement income funds provide the right amount of income for your needs, then generate a regular payment every month.