Charles B. Inlander

Charles B. Inlander, a consumer advocate and health-care consultant based in Fogelsville, Pennsylvania. He was the founding president of the nonprofit People’s Medical Society, a consumer-advocacy organization credited with key improvements in the quality of US health care, and is the author or coauthor of more than 20 consumer-health books.

Selecting Mental Health Services
Mental Health

Selecting Mental Health Services

Charles B. Inlander | June 26, 2024

The demand for mental health services has exploded over the past few years. Blame it, in part, on the COVID…

Checking Out a Surgeon
Diseases & Conditions

Checking Out a Surgeon

Charles B. Inlander | May 8, 2024

Eight years ago, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. I had just one day to check out the neurosurgeon…

Your Medical Test Results

Your Medical Test Results

Charles B. Inlander | April 7, 2024

There are many things about our health-care system that cause anxiety. Issues such as getting a reasonably quick appointment with…

Micro Hospitals – A Growing Trend

Micro Hospitals – A Growing Trend

Charles B. Inlander | March 6, 2024

The old saying “What goes around, comes around” is the best way to describe what is happening in the hospital…

Negotiating With Your Medical Provider
Money Savers

Negotiating With Your Medical Provider

Charles B. Inlander | February 5, 2024

A friend of mine recently asked me if he had the right to negotiate fees with his doctors. My friend…

What to Expect in 2024
Medical Expenses

What to Expect in 2024

Charles B. Inlander | December 7, 2023

The pandemic dramatically disrupted the health-care system over the past three years. From free vaccines to the expansion of telemedicine,…

The Disease of Loneliness
Diseases & Conditions

The Disease of Loneliness

Charles B. Inlander | November 8, 2023

You have probably never thought of loneliness as a disease, but, more and more, loneliness is being viewed as a…

Health-Care Advertising
Diseases & Conditions

Health-Care Advertising

Charles B. Inlander | October 8, 2023

Prior to the 1980s, health-care advertising was barely noticeable. The bulk of the products advertised on television or in magazines…

Health Screening Tests
Diseases & Conditions

Health Screening Tests

Charles B. Inlander | September 7, 2023

Health screening tests are designed to identify serious medical conditions early. The earlier a condition is identified, the better the…

Finding A Caregiver

Finding A Caregiver

Charles B. Inlander | July 9, 2023

Finding a competent and honest caregiver to help take care of a family member or loved one is a complicated…

Depersonalized Health Care

Depersonalized Health Care

Charles B. Inlander | June 2, 2023

The delivery of medicine has changed dramatically over the past 50 years. While you still go to a doctor for…

Patient Beware: Hospital Acquired Infections
Diseases & Conditions

Patient Beware: Hospital Acquired Infections

Charles B. Inlander | May 7, 2023

There’s an old axiom that the most dangerous place to be when you are sick is in a hospital. Hospitals…

Making Sense Out of Medical Information

Making Sense Out of Medical Information

Charles B. Inlander | April 5, 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic brought to light the difficulty we health-care consumers often have making sense out of medical information. For…

Medical Information You Understand

Medical Information You Understand

Charles B. Inlander | February 8, 2023

One of the most frequent complaints I hear from medical consumers is that they do not understand what their doctors…

Avoiding Medical Debt

Avoiding Medical Debt

Charles B. Inlander | January 8, 2023

A recent poll found that more than 40 percent of Americans have health-care debt. Health-care debt is one of the…