Barry A. Franklin, PhD

Barry A. Franklin, PhD, director of Preventive Cardiology/Cardiac Rehabilitation at Beaumont Health in Royal Oak, Michigan. He is past president of the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation and the American College of Sports Medicine, as well as a former editor in chief of Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention. Dr. Franklin has written or edited more than 700 scientific publications, including 26 books. In 2015, he was listed by Thomson Reuters as among the World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds.

Stick to Your Health Goals

Stick to Your Health Goals

Barry A. Franklin, PhD | March 20, 2023

Most Americans make New Year’s resolutions, but, by this time of year, most of those goals have been abandoned. Two…

Regular Exercise Reduces Dementia Risk

Regular Exercise Reduces Dementia Risk

Barry A. Franklin, PhD | January 9, 2023

There’s increasing evidence that consistent physical activity can lower the risk of dementia. But not all exervise is the same.…

Are You Taking Heart Health Seriously Enough?

Are You Taking Heart Health Seriously Enough?

Barry A. Franklin, PhD | August 1, 2022

Prepare yourself for a statistic that might make your heart a bit heavier: In the time it will take you…

You Can Be a Superachiever

You Can Be a Superachiever

Barry A. Franklin, PhD | May 25, 2022

Life’s opportunities, career advancement and professional and financial successes don’t just happen—you create them, says Barry A. Franklin, PhD. For…

Lessons Learned From the Pandemic
Mental Health

Lessons Learned From the Pandemic

Barry A. Franklin, PhD | May 7, 2022

The pandemic appears to be finally winding down, and we can now take a moment to reflect on what we…

The Dangers of Snow Removal

The Dangers of Snow Removal

Barry A. Franklin, PhD | February 2, 2022

Every year, we hear news reports of people, usually older men, having heart attacks or experiencing sudden cardiac death after…

Survival of the Fittest

Survival of the Fittest

Barry A. Franklin, PhD | November 8, 2021

Regular exercisers and endurance athletes live about three to six years longer than the general population. But what is conferring…

Can Exercise Trigger a Heart Attack?

Can Exercise Trigger a Heart Attack?

Barry A. Franklin, PhD | September 1, 2021

Regular physical activity offers a wide range of health benefits, including protection against the development of heart disease. But in…

Exercise Makes the Heart Resilient

Exercise Makes the Heart Resilient

Barry A. Franklin, PhD | September 1, 2021

Regular exercise and increased aerobic fitness are widely recommended by the American Heart Association, and for good reasons. Moderate-to-vigorous physical…

Little-Known Heart Attack and Stroke Triggers: New Insights

Little-Known Heart Attack and Stroke Triggers: New Insights

Barry A. Franklin, PhD | November 11, 2019

To avoid heart attack and stroke, we know to control blood pressure and cholesterol. But there other dangerous triggers to consider…

Don’t Wait for a Heart Attack to Do Cardiac Rehab
Heart Attack

Don’t Wait for a Heart Attack to Do Cardiac Rehab

Barry A. Franklin, PhD | August 14, 2018

Cardiac rehab is what you do to get into shape after a heart attack, right? Not always. Why it’s smart to start rehab to prevent a heart problem…

Talent + Visibility = Opportunity

Talent + Visibility = Opportunity

Barry A. Franklin, PhD | November 19, 2015

One of the most important things a person can do to be successful is be visible. In this video, Dr.…

Surrounding Yourself with This Kind of People Leads to Success

Surrounding Yourself with This Kind of People Leads to Success

Barry A. Franklin, PhD | November 19, 2015

One of the keys to success is to surround yourself with other successful people. Dr. Barry Franklin, author of GPS…

You Can Exercise Less and Be Just as Healthy
Exercise & Fitness

You Can Exercise Less and Be Just as Healthy

Barry A. Franklin, PhD | October 27, 2014

Do you struggle to fit the recommended amount of exercise into your busy schedule? Well, what if we told you…