Anne Louise Oaklander, MD, PhD

Anne Louise Oaklander, MD, PhD, director of a diagnostic and research laboratory at Massachusetts General Hospital that studies neurological causes of chronic pain and itch and associate professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School, both in Boston. Dr. Oaklander serves on the editorial boards for the journals PAIN and Neurology Today and serves on panels for the National Institutes of Health, the Food and Drug Administration and the Institute of Medicine.

Shingles: You Could Have It and Not Even Know It
Diseases & Conditions

Shingles: You Could Have It and Not Even Know It

Anne Louise Oaklander, MD, PhD | September 11, 2014

The signs aren't always what they seem to be... Many people think that shingles is just a rash, so they…

Fibromyalgia: New Research Helps Unravel the Mystery

Fibromyalgia: New Research Helps Unravel the Mystery

Anne Louise Oaklander, MD, PhD | June 30, 2014

For the roughly five million American adults with fibromyalgia, the muscle soreness, body aches and telltale painful "tender points" on…