I am confused about insurance—as are many of you, I’m sure. You pay premiums for cars, homes, jewelry and more for years and years…and then when you need that insurance, you are denied. Case in point…

My husband and I are moving to another state. I have spent hours on the phone with mortgage lenders, real estate agents, lawyers and more. Each day brings a new challenge.

But the biggest surprise has been insurance. We have had our homeowner’s and auto insurance with the same large insurance company for decades. We pay our bills on time and have filed very few claims. In fact, we have never filed a homeowners’ claim. So it is safe to say that this insurer has received a lot of money from us over the decades…and we have asked for very little back.

And yet—this insurer denied us coverage for our new home. The reason? In 2020, we filed a $2,000 claim for my husband’s lost drone (it went down in a lake and was not retrievable). The drone was insured under our personal articles policy—not our homeowner’s policy—and we paid extra for that coverage. But this insurer recently decided that it will not insure anyone who has made a non-weather-related claim in the last five years in the state we are moving to. Result: The insurer loses me as a customer because of a small claim four years ago…we had to find new insurance.

When I contacted a broker in our new state, she said that she has gained many new clients for this and other ridiculous reasons over the last few years. And yes, we did succeed in getting our new home insured.

What’s your insurance story?

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