Free education…free health care…loan forgiveness. It all sounds so
good. But money doesn’t grow on trees. So can we really afford all of that
great free stuff? And how close are we to the next recession?
Professor Timothy Taylor is managing editor of the prominent Journal
of Economic Perspectives, published by the American Economic Association.
He earned his master’s degree in economics from Stanford University. At
University of Minnesota, he was named a Distinguished Lecturer by the department
of economics and voted Teacher of the Year by the master’s degree students at
the Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs.
In this edition of the Bottom Line Advocator Podcast, Professor
Taylor joins Bottom Line president Sarah Hiner to discuss the most important
issues facing the economy today, including health care, student loans, minimum
wage, the national debt and more.
Other topics explored…
- The word “free”—what does it really mean in
the world of economics? (2:03 – 5:25)
- What about product quality and the word “free”?
(5:26 – 9:14)
- Where is all of the money coming from? (13:15
– 26:36)
- Student loans, loan forgiveness…and how much is
$1 trillion—really? (26:37 – 38:05)
- What would happened if we forgive all student
loans? (35:20 – 38:15)
- Discussing minimum wage (38:18 – 50:09)
- How real is the looming recession, and how
healthy is the economy? (50:21 – 54:08)
To learn more about Timothy Taylor’s work, you can visit his
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