Did you forget to make dinner reservations for Valentine’s Day? Nice job! Here are some tips to make it seem like you planned a romantic “ evening in” all along…

Takeout to the rescue! All you have to do is go a step above fast food and pick up some slightly exotic finger-food fare, such as sushi, gourmet tacos, shish kebab or satay (available at Indonesian and southeast Asian restaurants). Be sure to call the eatery ahead—hours before you think you’ll be ready to eat—because you’re not the only love-day procrastinator.

Do you have a fireplace? After it’s lit, chuck in a handful of a salt substitute product called Nu-Salt, which contains potassium chloride. Your fire’s flames will turn a beautiful, romantic mood-setting combination of pink and lavender.

Fill your home with romantic scents. Dot a drop or two of jasmine essential oil on a light bulb here and there. (Do it when the bulb is cold, please.) According to Laurie Steelsmith, ND, LAc, jasmine oil emits a sweet, musky aroma that prompts the release of pleasure-supporting brain chemicals such as endorphins. It rouses passion…and helps establish an ambience of intimacy. Who needs a restaurant?

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