Does it feel like you’re slathering harsh chemicals onto your face when you use commercial products to remove makeup? If you’d like to pamper your skin with a healthful, homemade makeup remover, try this nourishing combo…

Instead of using plain soap and water or harsh commercial cleansers, remove your makeup with a natural whole-milk mixture. In a small jar, warm two to three tablespoons of milk (10 seconds on high in the microwave), add one-half teaspoon of castor oil (found in most drugstores) and shake well. Dunk a cotton ball (not a tissue) into the mixture, and gently apply to your face. Leave on for 30 seconds so it has a chance to sink in, which will make makeup removal easier. Then take your cotton ball and start cleaning, using upward and outward strokes. Avoid getting the mixture into your eyes. Then give your face a rinse or two with warm water to remove any milk residue.

This combination of milk and oil is said to take off more makeup and city dirt than the most expensive professional cleansing products ever could. And it does so naturally, not chemically.

Complete the treatment by sealing in moisture with a thin layer of castor oil applied to the face, making sure to avoid the eyes.

Note: Some people’s skin is sensitive to castor oil—if you notice any irritation, you can try extra-virgin olive oil in this formula instead.

More help with cosmetics…

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