According to the American Academy of Dermatology (, frequent washing does nothing to prevent acne outbreaks. Overwashing is actually irritating, and excess irritation can worsen acne. A washcloth can aggravate this situation further. So use your bare hands to wash gently, and wash only twice a day. And try this homemade mix to help achieve healthy, acne-free skin…

First, wash your face with a mild soap to remove dirt, oil, makeup, sunscreen and/or moisturizer.

Mix the juice of half a lemon (about two tablespoons) with one teaspoon of dark brown sugar. Then gently apply the mixture all over your face. Let it stay that way for 20 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water, and pat dry. Do this twice a day for at least two weeks, and you should see the acne clearing up.

More help with your skin…


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