Do you need to get up and get moving, but the thought of exercise makes you groan? How about leading a band or an orchestra?! It’s great exercise for the heart…really fun…and easy to do.

Orchestra conductors live seven-and-a-half years longer than the average person, according to recent research. It’s no wonder. Enjoying music makes your body produce all kinds of live-long chemicals…and conducting is a real workout that helps strengthen the heart muscle and tone the circulatory system.

So go buy a baton at a music shop—yes, we really mean that. Or a pencil or a chopstick will do if you want to try this right now. Select music that inspires you to lead. Tap your music stand (or the back of a chair), and you’re ready to begin. You may need to start slowly and work your way up to 10 minutes a day, or 20 minutes three times a week. Don’t be shy about really moving—the musicians need you! (Do check with your doctor first if you have been sedentary or had heart problems in the past.) It’s strenuous exercise…but lots of fun!

More ways to make exercise easy…

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