If you have baked-on food and burned grease on your grill rack, take a sheet of heavy-duty aluminum foil and wrap it around the rack—be sure the shiny side of the foil faces down. Put the rack back on the grill, and turn up the heat to high. If you are using a charcoal grill, light your coals, then put the foil-wrapped rack on just as the flames are ebbing. Leave the rack on the grill for 12 minutes (give or take one or two minutes), and then remove it (be careful not to burn yourself!). Let the rack cool down, and when the foil is cool enough to handle, take it off the grill. The encrusted food and grease should fall right off the rack. If the food doesn’t come right off…or if you have a few stubborn spots…crinkle the aluminum foil and use it to clean the grill as you would use steel wool. Happy grilling!

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