If you usually wash dishes by hand and you have a batch of cloudy glassware, fill an empty plastic liquid dish-detergent bottle with one part dish detergent, one part white vinegar and three parts warm water. Shake it a few times. Use a little on a soft sponge—don’t use an abrasive scrubber on glassware—to clean each glass and rinse it well. Your glass should sparkle immediately! This is a great mixture to use every day for dazzling dinnerware.

If you use a dishwasher, place a dishwasher-safe bowl on the bottom rack of your empty dishwasher and fill it with a cup of white vinegar. Place the cloudy glasses on the top rack and run a full cycle without detergent. This will clean both your dishwasher and your cloudy glasses! We’ve also found that using gel dishwasher detergent can leave a film on glasses. Try using powdered detergent only, and use a little less than the recommended amount.

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