When you have sore muscles from sitting too long…exercising too hard…an injury…or a medical condition, you might automatically reach for a painkilling drug. Don’t do it! There are better ways to relieve those painful muscles that work just as well as drugs—or better!—but are much gentler on your body.

Welcome to the Bottom Line Guide to Speedy Natural Cures for Sore Muscles. In the articles below, our experts will tell you about foods, supplements, exercises and other ways to quickly get your achy body limbered up and moving freely again—without needing a single drugstore or prescription painkiller. For instance, there is a fruit that reduces muscle soreness if you eat it at the right time…a “pool float” that can make your back and shoulders feel great…an explanation of why the way you’ve been told to stretch when you exercise is wrong (we tell you the right way)…a familiar old-fashioned remedy that works even better when you do something special with it…how to get rid of a painful, out-of-reach knot in your back…and more.

Read more about these and other speedy, natural ways to make those painful muscles feel great!

Bend and Stretch, Reach for the Stars…

Exercises That Get Rid of Back Pain in Just 7 Minutes a Day

3 Anti-Sitting Stretches for Your Lower Back

5 Simple Stretches to Ease That Stiff Neck

4 Simple Stretches That Really Do Relieve Pain

4 Dangerous Fitness Myths

Rubbing the Sore Spot

Foam Roller Massage: Roll Away Your Aches and Pains

DIY Tricks to “Untie” a Knot in Your Back

Watermelon Cure…and More

Watermelon Prevents Sore Muscles

Supplements for Sore Muscles

For Pain Relief That Won’t Harm You

Water Cures for Sore Muscles

The Many Faces of Epsom Salts—More Than Old Fashioned Medicine

The 20-Minute Soak Solution

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