In this video, Suzanne Steinbaum, DO, author of Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum’s Heart Book: Every Woman’s Guide to a Heart Healthy Life and Bottom Line’s “At the Heart of It All” blog, details the obvious signs of a stroke as well as the more subtle signs that are often overlooked. The most obvious signs of a stroke can be listed using the acronym FASTFace drooping, Arm strength (reduced during a stroke), Slurred speech and Time (it is crucial to seek medical attention within the first three hours). In addition to these classic, typical signs of a stroke, there are subtler signs, including whole-body numbness, uncontrollable hiccups, persistent dizziness or weakness, and a bad headache that will not go away. If you experience any of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum is a cardiologist, author and spokesperson for the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women Campaign. She has devoted her career to treating heart disease through early detection, education and prevention. For more great tips from Dr. Steinbaum, check out her other videos and Bottom Line blog, “At The Heart Of It All.”

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