Are you feeling a little forgetful lately? It happens to everyone, especially as we get older. Life has a way of wearing down the brain waves…illness, stress, menopause, data overload. There’s just so much stuff you can stuff into your head! Here’s an herbal treatment to help kick your brain into gear…

Take a teaspoon of dried sage, and add it to a cup of just-boiled water. Add four cloves. Let this combo sit for five minutes, then drink the liquid. Do this every day.

We base our remedy on centuries of herbalists who have used sage to help memory loss, but modern-day scientists have discovered that sage inhibits the enzyme that breaks down the chemical messenger acetylcholine, which plays a role in maintaining focus and recall. Clove oil has also been shown to help with learning deficits.

And by the way—put your keys on the same hook near your door or in your kitchen every day when you get home. Simplify the small things, and that leaves more room in your brain for the big things.

More brain boosts…