While you might naturally expect your doctor to figure out what’s causing any symptom you have, the fact is, some symptoms can be pretty weird and can appear completely unrelated to the condition that’s causing them. What’s more, a perfectly benign condition can cause a really scary symptom—and a seemingly minor annoyance might be your only sign that something serious is developing.

How do you know which is which—and how do you make sure your unexplained symptom gets correctly diagnosed? Suppose, for instance, you tell your doctor that anxiety has become a real issue lately and he sends you off to a psychotherapist without probing further. You could go undiagnosed (and untreated) for a common and potentially serious vitamin deficiency…or a progressive and debilitating neurological disease. Or you could waste a lot of time and money going to a slew of specialists to cure your mysterious ankle pain when your problem stems from the antibiotic you took months or even years ago for a sinus infection!

The experts in Bottom Line’s Guide to Weird Ailments and Strange Symptoms can help you (and your doctor!) be successful health sleuths. You’ll find out which clues from your ears and your underarms signal that you should be extra-vigilant about cancer screening…when cognitive issues that look like dementia might not be—and may even be reversed with diet…what painful condition in your mouth is related to your menstrual cycle…the strange ways an allergy can manifest. Read more about these and other unexpected clues to what’s going on with your health…

Mysteries Solved—Rare and Unusual Conditions

Help! My Mouth Tastes Salty All the Time

Autoimmune Encephalitis: The Brain Disease That Makes People Seem Crazy

Uncovering the Cause Of a Mysterious Illness

Pemphigus: The “Canker Sore” You Can’t Ignore

Unusual Allergies

3 Dangerous Diseases on the Rise

Who Knew? Odd Symptoms

Surprising Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

Difficult Thyroid Diagnosis

Is It Really Alzheimer’s?

Subtle Signals Hold Clues to Prevent Migraines

Blame Menopause for Your Burning Mouth

Earwax, Body Odor and Cancer—Is There a Connection?

Strange Side Effects

Dangerous Antibiotics

Having Trouble with Your Sense of Smell