A black eye is essentially a bruise located around one or both eye sockets. It’s usually from a blow to the eye, nose or head…but could occur from allergies, a surgical procedure or a skin infection near the eye. Whatever the cause, black eyes are an ugly thing to have! Here’s what to do…

Eat ripe pineapple and ripe papaya—lots of it—for two or three days, and let the enzymes in those fruits help eliminate the discoloration around the eye. If you can’t find fresh, ripe pineapple or papaya, look for frozen chunks. Both fruits are rich in vitamin C, which boosts the immune system. Pineapple contains bromelain and papaya has papain, enzymes that promote healing. You might find that other bruises on your body begin to disappear, too.

More natural cures…

• Blot Out That Sty on Your Eye

• Natural Bruise Cure

• This Fruit Helps Heal Your Wound