
No More “Bad Dog”

No More “Bad Dog”

Victoria Schade | September 23, 2014

How to Break Your Pet's Bad Habits Does your dog ignore you when you call its name? Does it jump…

You Could Get Gum Diseaseā€¦From Your Dog!

You Could Get Gum Diseaseā€¦From Your Dog!

Kazuhiko Nakano, DDS, PhD | March 18, 2014

If you’ve ever had a dog, you know all about the tail-wagging, tongue-licking greetings you get in exchange for providing…

Protect Your Dog’s Paws from the Snow

Protect Your Dog’s Paws from the Snow

December 30, 2013

Neither rain nor snow nor gloom of night should keep you from walking your dog! But chemicals such as rock…

Dental Disease in Dogs Is On the Rise …and It Can Kill Your Pet

Dental Disease in Dogs Is On the Rise …and It Can Kill Your Pet

Jean Joo, DVM | February 7, 2012

Dental disease is the most common disease in dogs. It affects 59 out of every 100 dogs seen by vets,…