Skin Cancer

Don’t Make These Sunscreen Mistakes
Skin Cancer

Don’t Make These Sunscreen Mistakes

June 17, 2019

We all know that sunscreen reduces our risk for skin cancer. But too many people don’t get enough protection because of these surprising mistakes…

Does Having Skin Cancer Mean You’ll Get Other Cancers?
Skin Cancer

Does Having Skin Cancer Mean You’ll Get Other Cancers?

Kavita Sarin, MD, PhD | December 20, 2018

Yes, basal cell skin cancers are very common and treatable, but we’re learning that they can be a warning for other, more dangerous types of cancer.

Melanoma: What’s New in Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment
Skin Cancer

Melanoma: What’s New in Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment

Marianne Berwick, PhD | June 15, 2017

Melanoma is the deadliest skin cancer--but new ways to diagnose and treat, such as tumor-suppressing drugs and immunotherapy, offer a better outlook.

To Check Melanoma Risk, Should Americans Count Moles Differently from Brits?
Skin Cancer

To Check Melanoma Risk, Should Americans Count Moles Differently from Brits?

Simone Ribero, MD, PhD | November 18, 2015

Reader “DenisBH” wondered about our article Should You Be Screened for Melanoma? Check Your Arm, which reported that people with…

Does OJ Increase Melanoma Risk?
Skin Cancer

Does OJ Increase Melanoma Risk?

Marianne Berwick, PhD | July 27, 2015

Melanoma is the scariest skin cancer. It’s responsible for a mere 2% of skin cancers yet causes 75% of skin…

Hidden Melanoma
Skin Cancer

Hidden Melanoma

Marianne Berwick, PhD | June 16, 2014

It can strike where you least expect it If you spotted a mole on your leg that had changed color…

Alcohol: The Drink That’s Linked to Deadly Melanoma Skin Cancer
Skin Cancer

Alcohol: The Drink That’s Linked to Deadly Melanoma Skin Cancer

May 19, 2014

You know that cavorting in the sun without adequate protection from clothing and sunscreen is a big mistake when it…

Do Energy-Saving Lightbulbs Give You Skin Cancer?
Skin Cancer

Do Energy-Saving Lightbulbs Give You Skin Cancer?

Miriam Rafailovich, PhD | April 29, 2014

Like it or not, energy-sucking, traditional incandescent lightbulbs have been replaced by more efficient, lower wattage (but higher priced) versions…

When "Age Spots" Are Dangerous
Skin Cancer

When "Age Spots" Are Dangerous

Audrey Kunin, MD | August 7, 2012

Identify the Risky Spots... Get Rid of the Rest with Topical Cream One unfortunate result of years of sun exposure…

Simple Tape Test Can Detect Skin Cancer
Skin Cancer

Simple Tape Test Can Detect Skin Cancer

Ellen Marmur, MD | July 30, 2012

New Technologies Detect Deadly Melanoma In Early Stages The incidence of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, has been…