Depending on what part of the country you live in, you may be itching to get planting! Many gardeners like to start seedlings indoors four to six weeks before the final frost. Most seed packets have way more than you need. You can share with a neighbor, or do this…

Whenever you finish a bottle (opaque plastic or dark glass) of vitamins or other supplements, save it, along with that little, moisture-absorbing silica gel packet that came in it. They are good to use when storing seeds.

Put any leftover seeds in your selection of saved bottles along with the silica gel pack. Close it tightly, and keep it refrigerated until next year. Most seeds will stay viable for two to three years. If you want to test before planting, just remember that dud seeds will float in a small bowl of water.

Note: Be sure to label the jar clearly so your seeds don’t become a salad topping.

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