Samantha Brody, ND, LAc

Samantha Brody, ND, LAc, a naturopathic physician, licensed acupuncturist and founder of the Evergreen Health Center, Portland, Oregon.

How to Stop an Annoying Eyelid Twitch
Eye Health

How to Stop an Annoying Eyelid Twitch

Samantha Brody, ND, LAc | November 11, 2014

“Sometimes my eyelid twitches, and it’s embarrassing. What can I do to make it stop?” There can be many different…

Coffee Helps Migraines

Coffee Helps Migraines

Samantha Brody, ND, LAc | September 26, 2013

What if you could stop a migraine in its tracks? Many people can with a simple home remedy that’s readily…