Anne Peters, MD

Anne Peters, MD, professor of medicine and clinical diabetes director, University of Southern California, Los Angeles. She is author of Conquering Diabetes: A Complete Program for Prevention and Treatment.

“Type 1.5” Diabetes

“Type 1.5” Diabetes

Anne Peters, MD | June 6, 2018

What is type 1.5 diabetes? How does it differ from other types of diabetes? Some researchers believe that type 1.5…

Small Drops in Blood Pressure Save Type 2 Diabetics

Small Drops in Blood Pressure Save Type 2 Diabetics

Anne Peters, MD | July 17, 2012

Reduce Risk of Dying by One-Fifth Type 2 diabetes is now considered a global pandemic, which is alarming since many…

Could Red Wine Help Diabetes?

Could Red Wine Help Diabetes?

Anne Peters, MD | July 6, 2012

Q: I have diabetes. Is it safe for me to drink red wine—or even recommended? A: Red wine in moderation…

Weight Loss: The Key to Diabetes Prevention

Weight Loss: The Key to Diabetes Prevention

Anne Peters, MD | December 29, 2011

Losing weight is the single most effective way to prevent diabetes. Reason: Putting on even as little as 10 pounds…