Many people want to eat a better diet, but they find these good intentions stymied by a lack of time and other challenges. It is best to cook at home, states nutrition and fitness expert Janet Bond Brill, PhD, RDN, FAND, LDN, and if you take some basic suggestions, it doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming. First, nourishing recipes and natural options are your best choices when it comes to a healthy diet. Keeping ingredients on hand and preparing meals in advance of the workweek can greatly simplify this process. If you are not willing or able to prepare your own meals, be aware of healthier options when eating out, such as eating foods that aren’t fried and emphasizing plant-based foods. Beans, in particular, are an easy and inexpensive way to get important nutrients.

Visit Dr. Bond Brill’s website or purchase her latest book, Cholesterol Down.

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