A not-so-fun fact of life is that our bones become weaker and prone to breaking as we get older. Of course, one way to minimize the toll age takes on your bones is to get plenty of exercise, especially the weight-bearing kind. That means activities such as walking, running, dancing and lifting weights. But why not try something different? Think back, in fact, to something you did a lot of it when you were a kid. Think jumping!
Jumping is remarkably effective at preserving bone density and even reversing loss. In a study published in American Journal of Health Promotion of premenopausal women ages 25 to 50, a 16-week program of 10 jumps twice a day (yes, literally jumping just 10 times!) not only preserved hip-bone density but also increased it by 0.5%.
And jumping benefits more than just your bones. It also improves muscle strength, reaction time and balance. Even better—it’s a simple exercise that you can do anywhere…and you don’t need any special equipment. In fact, you don’t even need shoes—the women in the study were barefoot!
Even if you were a double-dutch champ as a kid, it’s a good idea to start small so you can get used to what it feels like to jump again. It’s also a good idea to check with your doctor before beginning a jumping routine—especially if you’ve been sedentary for a while, are very overweight, are older or have been told that you have osteoporosis or if you have any other health issue.
Want to bump your jumping up another level—and add some fun? Use a jump rope! Read “Do-Anywhere Jump Rope Workout” for ways to get even more out of your jumping workout.
Here’s to happy jumping and stronger bones!